Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Oct 2013 CLArion newsletter:  Will Abbott govt and AG Brandis  rise to the challenge on liberties?

Oct 2013 CLArion newsletter: Will Abbott govt and AG Brandis rise to the challenge on liberties?

CLA CLArion Monthly newsletter
CLA CLArion Monthly newsletter

The challenge for Attorney-General George Brandis and the new Abbott government is to live up to their own words about ‘advancing and protecting the rights of the individual’.

Also this month:

  • Oz’s aid floats off in wrong direction;
  • Serco, G4S reports ‘gone missing’;
  • SAS man brought in to control prisons;
  • Police get range of anti-liberties powers;
  • AFL rules free speech is behind;
  • State to vote on euthanasia law;
  • Stop surveillance, president demands;
  • Atheists and Catholics: equal, by god;
  • World’s domestic workers get protection;
  • UN troops responsible over massacre;
  • Miners deaths: police lied, doctored evidence.

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