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Pot meets kettle: brand is blacked out

Pot meets kettle: brand is blacked out

That Attorney-General George Brandis would seek to belittle Senator Scott Ludlum over his defence of Edward Snowden, on the basis that Snowden is allegedly guilty of ‘criminal conduct & treachery’ is surely a perfect illustration of what an arrogant & ignorant hypocrite Brandis is (‘Scott Ludlam’s support of Snowden ‘celebrates treachery’, says Brandis‘, The Guardian, 12 February 2014).

If anyone should have difficulty holding their “head up high”, it should be Brandis, who believes Snowden’s behaviour is more criminal than the illegal behaviour of the US government in systematically eavesdropping on the electronic communications of most of those on the planet, including its alleged “trusted allies”, that Snowden heroically exposed.

However, given Australia’s own sordid behaviour in the illegal eavesdropping game in Indonesia & East Timor, & George’s inept effort to cover-up those abuses, most would have thought that the smartest thing for him to do would be to keep his mouth well & truly shut?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!

 – John Richardson, CLA member,  Wallagoot NSW

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