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Refugees deserve a fair go!!!

Refugees deserve a fair go!!!

One government department says all is well in Afghanistan, so that boat people can safely be sent home. At the very same time, another government department is issuing dire warnings about how ‘extremely dangerous’ the place is.

“88% of Afghan asylum seekers had their refusals overturned on appeal.” [The Australian, 19 August, p1]. The Australian attributes this to Labor’s immigration policy being “in disarray.”

Perhaps the people are genuine refugees, and the error is in the original negative decision.

The Immigration Department cites “improvement in conditions” in its information for Afghanistan, which it (conveniently?) refuses to release.

Tell that to the young couple recently stoned to death by Taliban for being a young couple. Or to the women imprisoned in their burka-cages and condemned into violent marriages as children. Violence has risen significantly; the number of civilians killed, wounded, and maimed grows apace. (the Australian Government’s own travel advice website) certainly indicates no improvement: “We advise against all travel … extremely dangerous security situation … militants … attacks … terrorists … suicide bombings … occur regularly … unexploded landmines and other ordinance …”

*NOT* OK for Australians, but acceptable for Afghanis? Our Australian soldiers continue to confirm the lack of improvement themselves, as our body count rises.

Let’s stop playing political football with refugees! There but for fortune goes each and every Australian!

Judy Bamberger, CLA member
O’Connor ACT

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