Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Reject discrimination Bill: Do no harm!

Reject discrimination Bill: Do no harm!

A Senate Committee should reject totally the deceitfully-named ‘Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012’, CLA says. It is not needed, has dumb and dangerous definitions, would create more problems than it solved, and would effectively censor the free speech of Australians. Enact a Bill of Rights to solve the problems…or at least do no harm, is CLA’s recommendation.

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  1. I have no idea where Brad is from but he is dead wrong. We certainly do have free speech in Australia and a Bill of Rights guarantees nothing. Zimbabwe has a Bill of Rights and see what that means to the average Joe Blow – zilch!

    Australia is truly blessed with freedom of many kinds.

    John of Willoughby
  2. Australia desparately needs a Bill of Rights. Currently whenever our freedoms (do we many of them left?) are threatened there is not even a dialogue with the MSM regarding civil liberties. Ignorance is rife, many Aussies falsely believe that we have free speech. One person the other day that I was talking to didn’t even know what free speech is.


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