Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Report/minutes of 2011 eAGM

Report/minutes of 2011 eAGM

CLA’s electronic Annual General Meeting for 2011 has concluded. There was a nearly 60% ‘turnout’ of voters online, and a 98-plus% endorsement of the various reports, with praise for Directors and the organisation’s direction. One new face joins the Board of Directors.

Report (‘minutes’) of eAGM held in 2011

This is the Report of the 2011 electronic Annual General Meeting of Civil Liberties Australia Inc. A04043. It comprises the ‘minutes’ of the eAGM.

Electronically, there were 233 ‘voting tokens’ issued, with 134 completed and three incomplete responses, giving a response electronically of about 59%. Eighteen postal ballots were sent out, with 14 responses. Postal ballots are sent to members who do not have email, or who are more comfortable with printed processes.

Overall, there were 251 members who could vote, and 148 responded to the invitation to do so, which is a 58.9% response rate. Of those, the results were:

  • Approve President’s Report: 98.65% (2 no answer)
  • Approve Annual Report: 98.65% (2 no answer)
  • Approve Treasurer’s Report: 98.65% (2 no answer)
  • Do you have a comment: 18 people said yes, 121 No:

Most of the comments were extremely complimentary towards the Board and the activities/initiatives of Directors, such as:

  • Terrific work!
  • Congratulations to our Office-bearers – they do a great job.
  • Keep up the good work.
  • Very impressive (voluntary) work. I commend all involved.
  • I applaud CLA’s scrutiny of COAG and SCAG…

One person had trouble opening the Annual Report (we’ll work to make it simpler to do so next year).

One member thought there should be a physical meeting, and that the returning officer should not be a candidate for election. The Board had discussed both these issues before the 2011 eAGM, and decided that an electronic process –which members approved some years ago by vote at a physical AGM – allowed many, many more people to exercise their right to have a say. Also, the Board had arranged a process for an ‘electronic’ returning officer to take over if a vote had been needed for board positions.

One member made this helpful comment:
“I support CLA’s stance on federal funding for it and similar groups. One means by which this could be highlighted, and perhaps short-circuit the endless ‘research’ would be to draft and find a sponsor for a Private Members Bill:  I’d be more than happy to assist with lobbying strategy.”

The electronic process allows us to know whether or not a member has voted, and to receive a comment…BUT we do not know who voted in what way, or who made the comments, including the one above – so, whoever wrote it, if you’d like to volunteer to help, please if you’re happy to reveal your identity.

As announced previously in the CLArion monthly newsletter, the process for electing Directors resulted in the following nominations, all appropriately seconded:

  • Noor Blumer
  • Frank Cassidy
  • Darren Churchill
  • Kristine Klugman
  • Bill Rowlings
  • Phil Schubert
  • Timothy Vines
  • Anthony Williamson
  • Lance Williamson

As there were nine candidates, and the Board can comprise up to 12 people, the above are declared elected. Darren Churchill is the new face on the Board, replacing former Treasurer, Kevin Popple, who served for four years. Brief CVs of all nine are on the CLA website: (under ‘Board’).

– Bill Rowlings, Secretary/Returning Officerblank

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