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See-through scanners infringe our liberties

See-through scanners infringe our liberties

CLA Airport ScannerMandatory, see-through, airport scanners ride roughshod over our civil liberties, CLA says in its submission to the Senate Committee set up to rubber stamp the proposal. The federal government is hell-bent on forcing us to go through the revealing scanners, without an alternative pat-down procedure, from 1 July 2012…even though two of the world’s most security-conscious nations, Israel and Germany, have actively rejected them, as CLA’s video on the proposal demonstrates.

Read CLA submission » …
Other submissions to the Inquiry » …
CLA video » …


  1. The house committee just tabled their report, accepting the governments submission and recommending no changes to the bill.

    How do we fight this government insanity now?

  2. This is outrageous. I know that in the US they have implemented this device and certain good looking femails were required to go through this machine up to 3 times just for the entertainment of the airport officers. The only way to stop this is by not traveling. The only way to stop this is when it comes to money. Demonstrations or such don’t help. When it comes to the pockets of airlines getting thinner, that’s when they will wake up and listen to us. That’s my opinion. Love Renata

    Renata Segboer

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