Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Sep 2017 CLArion: Bid for a Bill of Rights to help counter creeping control by ASIS and spooks

Sep 2017 CLArion: Bid for a Bill of Rights to help counter creeping control by ASIS and spooks

Independent MHR Andrew Wilkie launches a new bid for a national Bill of Rights in Parliament, even as ASIS and other spooks demonstrate increasing control over ordinary Australians. The spooks control passports and overseas travel, even whether you can make submissions to parliamentary committees, one analyst claims. Meanwhile, Australian Border Force is rotting from the inside out, the Australian Federal Police say.

Other items in this issue include:

  • Is Australia going backwards? Treasurer called to account
  • Why do we treat refugees in a sub-human manner?
  • Kirby plumps for online courts for better access to justice
  • One state moves over police complaints, wrongful convictions
  • Support high for euthanasia law
  • AFP probes privacy…when it suits them
  • Judges thwart men’s triple-speak divorce
  • Prisons – in crisis – come under double criticism

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