Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Sept 09 Newsletter – Liberties awareness on the rise

Sept 09 Newsletter – Liberties awareness on the rise

Australian are becoming more conscious of liberties and rights, and view with increasing suspicion excessive fear campaigns mounted by politicians and other power groups, CLA reports. Hope rises for a new human rights charter, and a privacy tort, but still there are worries over internet censorship blacklists and draconian laws to catch drug bosses that will ensnare the average Aussie battler

As Commissioner Mick Keelty steps down in Australia for Tony Negus, there’s renewed focus on stun guns, both in Australia and internationally. Prison and drug reform are two major issues starting to percolate to the surface, while inappropriate use of anti-terrorism powers continues. Internationally, there are worrying trends such as the far right being on the rise in Europe, and increasing attacks on homeless people in the USA.

Other issues covered include:

  • Viewers get chance for say on TV code
  • Aussies muddle-headed on crime and justice
  • Orwell Awards: vote for the worst privacy excesses
  • Health ID: securing your rights as a patient
  • New Supreme Court replaces Law Lords
  • Mexico gives in to reality on drugs
  • DNA evidence can be fabricated, scientists say
  • Sniffer dogs to go on trial: do they work, are they legal?

Click to read the this month’s CLArion

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