Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
They censor websites… In Israel, they censor websites.

They censor websites… In Israel, they censor websites.

At Ben-Gurion Airport, they prevent us from seeing human rights organisations, such as: Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, Peace Now, Michigan Peace Team; they also block “advocacy” groups like: ICAHD (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions), Refuser Solidarity.

I’ve never seen any of these websites advocate violence, extremism, racism … yet they are blocked. “For my own good,” so they assert.

Australia will use a *secret list* to block websites featuring “child sex abuse, bestiality, sexual violence [and] detailed instruction of crime or drug use.” [Senator Conroy] The Government protecting me, “for my own good.”

I have *no* desire to view sex abuse (why limited to children?), bestiality, sexual violence, crime or drug instruction. *BUT* I want to choose for myself.

The Government should abandon mandatory filtering, and: (a) Allow each user to choose (or not) the proposed-mandatory filter (OK to make it the default); (b) Make the currently-secret list public (“secrecy begets tyranny”); (c) Publicise all complaints advocating additional sites to block (ensuring equal-opportunity lobbying for/against additions); (d) Review regularly the status of filtering and complaints, and publish results (keeping us informed).

Anything less violates freedom of speech and removes basic responsibility from the individual.

Judy Bamberger, CLA member,
O’Connor ACT

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