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Truth about the troops, please

Truth about the troops, please

The Government and Coalition must make clear, objective, measurable statements about Australia’s commitment to Afghanistan, and precisely when – or under what measurable conditions – the Australian military commitment will cease.

While Senators, MPs, and PM-wanna-be’s are out campaigning and promising, they must be crystal clear about their personal and party’s position on Australia’s commitment to Afghanistan.

Britain has indicated its withdrawal schedule via a leaked document – a shady way of doing things: reducing troops starting in a few months, turning control to the Afghani Army by 2014.
Labor, Liberals, Greens; Brown, Abbott, Gillard: This issue is significantly important to your constituents. Have you the guts – the HONOUR – to make a commitment to which you’re willing to be held at election-time? Or will you continue with weasel-words: “as long as it takes,” “we’re here for the long run,” “we’ll stay the course” …

Will you make “carefully prepared scripted remarks” so we know your statement is “absolutely as gospel truth”? Or will your words be “in the heat of discussion,” to be waved-away later?

The votes of many hang on your response – or lack thereof.

Judy Bamberger, CLA member,
O’Connor ACT

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