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Welcome ceremony helps reconcile

Welcome ceremony helps reconcile

The Editor, The Age: ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremonies on public occasions in Victoria and nationally are a respectful gesture to the Aboriginal people, as they acknowledge past custodianship of the land.

Having no due inheritance and not being recognised as citizens until recent times while the land they cherished and lived off was falsely claimed to be terra nullius, a land belonging to no-one, the ancestors of present day Aboriginals were dispossessed and marginalised.

Acknowledgement of traditional Aboriginal land has been an important factor in our nation`s first people`s long road to inclusion and acceptance. In the spirit of reconciliation they do not seek rent or special grants for the lost lands, but seek that an historical truth be honoured.

While the Queen can journey to Ireland in a sincere reconciliation gesture, surely we as a mature nation can act in a similar fashion by giving due respect to our country`s traditional owners at public gatherings.

– Keith McEwan, CLA member, Castlemaine Victoria

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